Todays MailerLite tutorial is on creating and embedding forms to gain subscribers. Using email marketing is the best way to build your online business and connect with your readers.
I suggest that you create a form for every opt-in offer and embed them in relevant blog posts. But don’t worry! I’ll show you how.
This post was originally published May 29th, 2018 and has been updated to be current with new information. This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Full disclosure is here.
Welcome to Fearless Affiliate.
My name is Irma and I help new bloggers to learn the ropes. There is a lot to take in that first year of blogging, from choosing a niche to changing your mindset from worker bee mentality to that of successful entrepreneur.
I like to focus on practical information and positive thinking, so if that sounds good to you please sign up for my weekly newsletter of tips and free stuff for bloggers. In return you will get the password to my resource library of PDF printables for bloggers like my Google Analytics Cheatsheet or my SEO Checklist.#win-win
What Is An Embedded Form?
Embedded forms, in the email marketing world, are the opt-in boxes that invite you to subscribe to a websites newsletter.
The purpose of your newsletter is to create a relationship between yourself and the subscriber. People interested in your content are invited to sign up for your newsletter in exchange for a free gift aka freebie.
This is one part of your email marketing.
The definition of marketing is: (noun) “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising”.
Marketing is required if you want to make money online.
The other part of your marketing is creating automations.
Related Post: Achieve Your Blogging Goals With MailerLite Automation
The good news is that you don’t have to be pushy with your promotions if you do it right!
By creating opt-in forms to collect subscribers, you need only create the form once.
Then you can embed it in multiple related blog posts. After that, you only have to write your newsletter to maintain your connection.
Once you create your first form, it is simple to duplicate the process. Ideally, you create one form per freebie.
The sales funnel looks like this:
- Visitor reads blog post and decides to sign up to get more content
- They use your opt-in form and are given a free PDF/coupon code/other benefit in exchange for their email address
- You keep them up-to-date with your newsletter of exclusive content, relevant product links, and deals
It’s quite passive. Set it up once and then maintain it by writing your weekly newsletter.

The Benefits of Email Marketing
Many 6- and 7-figure bloggers will say that they regret waiting to set up email marketing, including Melyssa Griffin.
The first part of this process is getting set up with an Email Service Provider (ESP).
- Free options include MailerLite (recommended) and MailChimp.
- Paid options include ConvertKit, MadMimi, Drip, Aweber and others.
Related Post: How To Use MailerLite
I recommend MailerLite because it is free for your first 1,000 subscribers and very affordable after that. By the time you get your first 1K subscribers, you can afford any of the paid options.
Benefits of having a newsletter option for your visitors:
- It ensures that people will return to your website over and over, if you link to your blog posts from your newsletter.
- Subscribers are visitors who are actively interested in what you have to say. You don’t have to guess whether you are connecting with them.
- You can reward subscribers for subscribing by giving them exclusive and previously unpublished content.
- It’s easier to niche-down your website, because you will know exactly why people have subscribed and what they are interested in
Being able to niche-down is helpful if your niche is broad with a variety of topics. To further niche-down:
- You can send surveys to your list asking them what they want more of, content-wise.
- Having an email ensures that you will be generating traffic to your site. More traffic = better ranking. Better ranking = more traffic!
More traffic from your site tells Google that you have something of interest to say to the world.
Then Google moves you up the rankings to help you to say it.
- Visitors get more targeted help from you, now that you know what they’re interested in.
- Loyal subscribers will happily beta-test your courses or products and they will buy them as well (= sales).
This is not just a bonus for you, but also for your visitors. They are looking for your answers to their questions and when you create more comprehensive help (courses), they want to sign up.
And hopefully get more awesome insight from you, so let them!
I tried list building when I was in my second month of blogging…
But I was so unsure of myself then, and I was always second guessing what I was doing.
Everything was so confusing because MailChimp was difficult to use. It might be different now, but I didn’t stick around to find out.
New bloggers seem afraid of email marketing because it seems daunting.
But like so many things we need to learn to make money online, it is totally worth it.
Once you get the basics down you can start tweaking the system to improve your skills and keep increasing your traffic. You got this!
MailerLite Email Opt-In Forms Tutorial
MailerLite is user-friendly and helpful. It is free for up to 1000 subscribers and has all the bells and whistles that some of the more expensive competition offers. And at a more reasonable price…free.
I have signed up for multiple list building courses in the past few months years, and I have learned a couple of things that I want you to know.
One of them is: the sooner you get your basic sales funnel set up, the better.
There is no benefit to waiting. And your people are missing out on all that you could be sharing with them.
The second thing is: promote, promote, promote.
So when you create the opt-in form, you have to promote it.
We will get to that in a bit.
Putting opt-in forms on your site is an invitation for people to connect with you. And really, you gotta start sometime right?
So let’s embed some forms and put this aspect of blogging into the “been there, done that” folder. Then you can move past this intimidating part of blogging, because it is really not that scary after all.
This tutorial is based on using WordPress, so if you do not use this content management system (CMS), you will have to check your CMS help files.
1. Open your MailerLite dashboard and from the menu in the upper left, choose FORMS.
On the next page click the big orange button to start creating a form. If you have not signed up yet, follow one of my blue highlighted links.
Signup is quick and painless! All you need is a branded email address.
This is the one that comes from your hosting and is directly linked to your website.
For example, mine is “”. I then forward my mail from here to a gmail account.
ESP’s want these legitimate email addresses to counter-act the spammers who use generic email like hotmail and gmail.

You will want to choose Embedded form so that you can get the html code to add to your website in various places.
You can also get the Official MailerLite Sign Up Forms plugin for WordPress which makes adding forms to posts or pages super easy.
Give your form a name. This is for your benefit only and to help you differentiate from all the other forms you will create. Save and continue.
2. Add Your Email Subscribers
If you are brand new to email marketing, you probably have none and you can create a group based on your website URL (default option).
If you have some from another email service provider, you can import them into MailerLite. This video shows how to import MailChimp subscribers, but the idea is the same for any other ESP.
Save and continue.
3. Design Your Embedded Form
MailerLite updated all of their forms to be GDPR compliant.
On this page, you have two options. Subscribe form and thank you message. It defaults to the subscribe form for me, so adjust accordingly.
In the design tab, you have the option to change the style of form.

Your three choices are DEFAULT, HORIZONTAL, and CARD. It’s all personal preference, so choose DEFAULT for now.
Click on the form image in the large window to access sub-menus. In here, you can add a field to the form such as NAME.
By default you must have “Email” In the FORM DESIGN area.
Otherwise how would you know where to send your newsletter? It’s best to ask for the subscribers first name, as well, to create more personalized newsletters.
You just have to click on any of the elements to change elements to create completely unique forms for your website.
Clicking on FORM in the design settings allows you to change the size (height, width) and add a contrasting border.
You can make tall skinny forms for your sidebar or wide and narrow forms to fit in between paragraphs in your blog posts.
- Form background is exactly that. Change it from grey to your brand colors.
- Title is the main heading for your form. Change it from NEWSLETTER to something befitting to your brand.
- Text is the text under your Title.
*Due to GDPR regulations, do not make signing up mandatory to receive free stuff or anything else. FYI: MailerLite has all the subscribers personal info and can help you to delete it if a subscriber requests it.
Word your text so that the people signing up know exactly what they are signing up for (weekly newsletter). Then note that they will receive a thank you gift after they sign up.
Note: you do NOT have to offer freebies.
Right now just work on getting the opt-in form on your site. You can do more advanced marketing later on.
- Input is the color of the field box (Name, Email etc)
- Button is the button color and text
- Page background changes the whole area around your opt-in box to whatever color you choose.
I do not bother with this one for forms being embedded on my site because I am taking the html code and adding it to a text widget or else just pasting it into my text editor in wordpress.
In the Settings tab, you can choose to have checkboxes added to your form (for GDRP compliance) or to hide segmentation fields.
Let your form reflect you and your personality.
Attract the people who really want to sign up for all of your expert help.
Do not be afraid to change “sign up to our newsletter” into “have I got some info for you!” or whatever you want to say.
People like individuality, so go for it!
Just click the pencil icon to edit that area of the form.
Change the buttons as well. I have seen some crazy stuff on buttons, as I am sure that you have as well, so go for it (within reason of course).
You can read up on color psychology to add intensity to your button color choices.
4. Create your “thank you” message.
Click up top on SUCCESS MESSAGE, and then click on the form that is displayed (click the pencil icon) to bring up a Content area that you can edit.
You can also add photos here as well or embed other html into the form. And you can add a link to a PDF, like a freebie, from the thank you message.
When you are happy with how your form looks, choose the big orange DONE EDITING button in the top right hand corner.
5. Choose whether you want double opt-in or not.
There are different schools of thought for this choice.
- Single opt-in is easier for subscribers, since they get less “hassle” about signing up (one less thing to click).
- Double opt-in makes sure that they really want to sign up.
I think this is unnecessary if you have an unsubscribe option in your newsletters. You still get to send a thank you message either way.
You can research this for yourself and decide On or Off for the toggle switch. Your choice.
Scroll down, on this same page, to “Embed form in your website”.
I chose java script, but if that does not work for you try the html and copy and paste it into your sidebar text widget or into the text editor in WordPress.
Place Your Embedded Forms In Multiple Locations
FYI: Using the MailerLite plugin for WordPress means you can grab the Java code snippet and paste it anywhere in your blog post/page, using the TEXT editor.
When you switch back to visual and save, you can refresh your page to see your form.
I recommend that you place your form near the top of your content (above the fold) and near the bottom. I also recommend creating a nice sidebar form.
Encourage people multiple times, on one page, to sign up. It works!
If you have the kind of theme that allows you to put an embedded form into the header, then do that. It’s a perfect spot.
The next best spot is at the top of your sidebar…in a really obvious spot.
Visitors are not used to your site the way that you are, so help them out by making your opt-in really stand out for them.
You want it to be as front and center as it can be (above the fold). Obvious is the key word here.
People want to sign up. They really do.
It is important to give visitors a hand with this, so be blatantly obvious about the placement. Put it somewhere that visitors will trip over, so to speak.
As well, use a horizontal form to run across the lower area of your main page and/or all of your posts. Don’t be shy π
You will be amazed at how quickly the signups will happen.
And they will keep happening, as long as you make it easy for people.
A side note: you can create your forms in different colors (use the duplicate option) to match your blog post images or replace one (or two) of them.
Get creative! If you have a form in the sidebar, one in the middle of a post and one at the footer of your site, a visitor should not be able to miss the message.
6. Segmenting your list
This is totally optional, but helpful if you have a blog with more than one “niche”, such as a DIY crafts/recipes/mom blog, for example.
This way you can be sure to send craft ideas to the people who are interested in that information, and recipes to the people who are interested in food ideas, and mom stuff to the moms.
Here is a quick video on creating segments with MailerLite:
7. Create Groups
Groups are different from segments and can help you track which forms are the most popular on your site. If, for example, if you are creating freebies for your blog posts and then creating an opt-in form to promote the freebie.
This helps to identify what people are most interested in when they come to your site.
For example, if you have an opt-in form for chicken recipes and an opt-in form for beef recipes.
Whoever signs up to either of these forms would still belong to the “recipes” segment, but now you can see if chicken recipes are more popular than beef recipes, and publish blog posts accordingly.
Creating forms in MailerLite is super simple.

The most time consuming part of this task is designing the form to look.just.right.
You can also duplicate the form from the main FORMS page.
Then just change a thing or two to A/B split test and see what your visitors respond to.
To duplicate your form, from the main menu choose Forms > Embedded forms.
Find your form in the list (if there is more than one form) .
At the far right of the form is an Edit button with a down arrow. Here you can choose Duplicate or Delete.
Like everything else about blogging, it is all trial and error. Best to get on top of it now and start collecting valuable data!
Related Post: Relationship Marketing with Email
Are you a subscriber yet? Sign up for my weekly newsletter of blogging how-to tips and get the password to my Resource Library of PDF printables like my super popular Copywriting Checklist.
Allright then! Do you have any questions about this process? Did I miss anything? Do you have any insights on setting up an email service? Tell me in the comments – I love hearing from you π
Until then, happy blogging! And follow me on Pinterest.
-Irma π

Hi Irma,
That is a very helpful post!
I think I can relate your experience with the mail list building at my second month in blogging.
Guess what?
It still scares a crap of me!
But I agree that it is something that needs to be done!
Google rates the website based on the proportion of the new to returned visitors.
Anyways, I really liked how you explained the setup process for the MailerLite and I will give it a try!
Hello Anna and thank you for visiting us today!
Well I hope that I gave you enough information to get you started on this. You only need to create one embedded form to begin for the sidebar.
Once you get past this, it is all about traffic generation, which is a whole ‘nother series of posts.
-Irma π
Hi Irma and thanks again for this valuable article.
Unfortunately, I have started my autoresponder thing with GetResponse and have already done quite some stuff there as a landing page and opt-in forms.
The bad news is, now I should pay the monthly fee but my visa here in Thailand rejects the payment.
Now, I see myself forced to change everything and my thought is to try it with your recommendation, Mailer light.
Do they also offer landing pages?
And do you think 1000 subscribers is enough for a year or so?
Hello Stefan and welcome back!
Yes, MailerLite has landing pages as well. And after 1000 subscribers the next price points are: 1,001 to 2,500 is $10/month…2,501 to 5,000 subscribers is $20/ a month. Extremely affordable.
The max for regular plans is $140/ a month for up to 50,000 subscribers with unlimited emails. After that, you go into the High Volume plans.
Hope that helps!
-Irma π
What a cool website!! Very informative!! I like the look and feel of your website, very professional!
Hello and welcome Rebecca!
Thank you! Very kind of you to say and you are welcome here anytime π
-Irma π
What a wonderful idea. Your instructions are precise and easy to follow. This is a “must have” for anyone who has a website. Thank you so much for the information.
Hello Cristy and thank you for visiting us today! And I am glad to help!
-Irma π
One of the greatest challenges that I have encountered in the online world and that is driving traffic to your website. I believe that this is a challenge for so many that are in this line of work. The information that you have provided is really helpful and I know that I will have to refer to it for this helpful insight that you have given.
Hello Norman and welcome back!
Yes, I think we all hesitate because it sounds so daunting but the reality is not as bad as all that. What motivated me was that I kept hearing over and over again that people really do want to sign up, but if they can’t they may go elsewhere.
I do not want that anymore. So I learned what I needed to and I am sharing so that others can see that it is kinda simple really. Best of luck!
-Irma π
Thank you so much this was super helpful. I have not set anything up like this yet and need to and you made it sound super easy for me.
Hello Brandon and thank you for visiting us today!
You are welcome! MailerLite is easier to set up than some others that I have tried. The amount of time that it takes to set up is so minimal compared to the benefits of having a dedicated group of subscribers! Best of luck and you got this!
-Irma π
Thank you for introducing me to MailerLite Irma!! This sounds like a dream come true!! One stop shop for sequences?? Wow! I am impressed! I have literally a million things to learn after reading your blog but I now at least know where to start!! Thank you for opening the door to making email marketing much more user friendly! All the best my friend!
Hello Kathleen and thank you for visiting us today!
I read lots of reviews about MailerLite before I signed up and I was not surprised to see that people left MailChimp for MailerLite. I was surprised that people are doing reviews comparing MailerLite with ConvertKit – and MailerLite is very comparable and more affordable. Best of luck!
-Irma π
Wow, this is a heck of a comprehensive overview. One question I do have is how quickly would you recommend getting this option onto your website? I get about 4-500 organic visits a week on my site…
Does it really make sense to already be attempting to build an email list? I’ve heard plenty of people indicate that you should wait until you have 500 organic visits a day before you bother with developing an email list and marketing to it…
Hi Craig and thank you for visiting us today!
I would start as soon as possible. The best part of doing newsletters is the ability to ask your readers what they want for content, and then you can create it. This makes your website a two-way street and can only make things better. The sooner you start this communication, the better your content will be because you know people want to read it. You are not guessing what to write about.
I have not heard that about the 500 organic visits. All the blogs that I read say they wished they had started much sooner than they did.
-Irma π
I agree with you about how important it is to build a list. One thing affiliate marketers need to know about MailChimp is they don’t like affiliate marketers. I am currently in the market for a new autoresponder and Mailerlite seems like a good choice. Thanks for the info!
Hi Sean and thank you for visiting us today,
Now that you mention it….but I found that in general, they are not that helpful period. I spend a couple of weeks last summer just trying to figure out how to use MailChimp, and I have noticed that most of the people who were promoting it (a lot of tutorials are a couple of years old) have moved up to other programs now. Best of luck!
-Irma π
Dear Irma
Thank you for this super-useful post! Just as I was thinking about almost giving up on trying to sort the collecting emails ‘stuff’, I read your article, and now I have a new surge of energy to try again :). You’ve explained everything so well. Wanted to ask a question: my parenting blog has, of course, different topics, and I’d like to have different opt-ins for different posts. Is that possible? Can I create an opt-in for each post and then embed them in the body of text? Thanks so much!
Hi Alenka and thank you for visiting us today!
Yes, you can and should make different opt-ins. As long as subscribers know exactly what they are signing up for, you can make as many as you want. I would create “template” forms that you can change the color of using the duplicate option: a vertical one for your side-bar widget, a medium sized one for blog posts and a wider one for footers. If you did a series of posts, you can try one of your brand colors on one and then another brand color on the second to do an A/B test.
Or just change up the offer. Then watch the post for a month or two and monitor which form is working by assigning the form to a group, so when people sign up using that form they are automatically added to that group. Easy to track what works that way!
-Irma π