Success Is A State of Mind

Success is a state of mind…what does that mean? It means that you and only you are in control of your success. If you are not sure how to make that happen, then I suggest that you follow your intuition. If you are stuck choosing a niche, let’s think outside the box a bit today. …

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Law Of Attraction and Goal Setting

Let’s make law of attraction and goal setting work together! The Law of Attraction basically states that like attracts like. Whatever our predominant thought is, is what dictates our reality. Negative thoughts attract negative circumstances (boo!), and positive thoughts attract positive circumstances (yay!). This post was originally published June 17th, 2017 and has been updated …

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The Habits of Successful People

The habits of successful people are not something those people were born with . They are habits that anyone can learn and implement. Pick a new success habit and watch productivity and profits rise! If you want to be successful, then watch what successful people are doing that helps their success and emulate that. This …

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Clearing Mental Clutter to Increase Productivity

Can clearing mental clutter lead to increased productivity? Experts say yes! And so do I. Happiness is a choice, and so is clutter. It is a bad habit to get into, but like most habits, you can change it or eliminate it. When you walk into your clutter-free home and sit at your clutter-free desk, …

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5 Things I’ve Learned from “Think And Grow Rich”

“Think and Grow Rich” is a book written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. This book is still popular because the principles still apply. Think and Grow Rich is in the top ten bestselling self-help books of all time, because anyone at any time can start applying the steps to their own life and see improvements. …

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Poverty State of Mind

Escape Your Poverty State of Mind

Escape from your poverty state of mind is easier than you may think. If you are wondering why success is being elusive, you may have some “stinkin’ thinkin”” to fix. I grew up with very little education in handling money, and a lot of money blocks and bad spending habits. I lived where work is …

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Learn To Say No!

Learn To Say NO Without Feeling Guilty

Can you learn how to say no without feeling guilty? Yes, you can! Because I learned how, and so can you. It just takes practice. There is no reason to feel guilty about saying no to people, especially when you have a lot of other things going on in your life. As bloggers and people …

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Create Your Blogging Millionaire Mindset

Today is the day that you create your blogging millionaire mindset! After reading this post, you’ll have the tools to switch your thinking to that of a successful blogger/soon to be blogging millionaire. Because that is what I want for you. I was watching “The Adjustment Bureau” last night and thinking of how great it …

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Why Set Goals? Help for Bloggers

Why set goals? If you are a new blogger, then it is imperative that you learn how to reach for the success that you want. This is a good habit to get in to, and will serve your online business for many years to come. Welcome to Fearless Affiliate. My name is Irma and I …

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