Fearless Affiliate

Overcoming Fear of Success

Fear of Success

Today we look at overcoming fear of success.

I have encountered a lot of bloggers who have fear of success, myself included. These fears, or mental blocks, tend to crop up as we try to level up our business.

If you find yourself procrastinating on a project that you know will move you closer to your goals, you may have fear of success. Let’s tackle that shall we?

This post was originally published December 18th, 2018 and has been updated to be current with new information. This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Full disclosure is here.

Welcome to Fearless Affiliate.

My name is Irma and I help new bloggers to learn the ropes. There is a lot to take in that first year of blogging, from choosing a niche to changing your mindset from worker bee mentality to that of successful entrepreneur.

I like to focus on practical information and positive thinking, so if that sounds good to you please sign up for my weekly newsletter of tips and free stuff for bloggers.

Subscribers will get exclusive content, including the password to my resource library of PDF printables for bloggers like my: Google Analytics Cheatsheet or my SEO Checklist.#win-win

Still haven’t picked a blog niche?

I can help with that too! Read my 5 Secrets To Finding Your Niche eReport…it’s in the Resource Library. Sign up now and check it out.


What Is Fear of Success?

Fear of success is a mental block that people have when they know they should be doing something but procrastinate doing it.

You see it a lot with bloggers who are:

Mental blocks are usually rooted in childhood by people passing their fears on to you.

You learn from adults to be afraid of things: dogs, strangers, foods, and all sorts of things.

I had a friend who was afraid of dogs even though her family had a very large dog that was quite intimidating. My friend was also afraid of plugging in or unplugging electrical devices like toasters.

I do not think she knew why she had these fears, but she had them and plenty of others.

For many people, the amount of “unknowns” are overwhelming and can cause the procrastination.

I know that myself as I was taking a sales funnel course. The course creator has so many different scenarios for different types of funnels. It was overwhelming to to figure out what to do when creating a relatively simple funnel.

And I procrastinated for quite a while trying to “figure it out”.

I had a sneaking suspicion that my procrastination was some kind of fear of success, so I did what I always do…I researched.

So imagine my surprise when reading this article at The Mission written by Tony Fahkry.

Tony posits that fear of success is actually fear of hard work.


How did you feel reading that? My first thought was to call B.S.

Let’s look at the whole paragraph:

“For this reason, I believe fear of success is really the fear of hard work. It is what author Steven Pressfield calls resistance that stops many from achieving their finest work. Here resistance holds the individual back from writing the first draft of a book they’ve been wanting to pen for years.”

Okay, that is a bit better.

It is not fear of hard work, but resistance.

Resistance to what?

Resistance to the unknown.

Common fears That Bloggers Have

Here are some common fears of success.

Do you recognize any of these thoughts? I did. They are all fears in the evolution of a bloggers life.

Overcoming Fear of Success
PIN IT!! Overcoming Fear of Success

3 Potential Reasons For Fear of Success

1. Lack of Confidence

You don’t have to tell me that you grapple with a lack of confidence in your future success. I assume that you do because I do, myself.

If you are concerned about how successful your blog is at this point in time, go back to your original goals when you first hit publish button on your first post.

Shooting for big goals is admirable, but if you lack confidence you may not hit your target because deep down you do not believe that you can.

2. Comparing your blog to someone else’s

You can read income reports all day long, but they are not a realistic picture of real blogging. Most of the time the numbers do not reflect reality.

The income may be based on potential income that has not been verified yet.

Lesson: do not compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.

Sage advice.

Some people are on their second or third blog, they know what worked for them before, they got all their stuff set up before they published even one blog post, so bam right out the gate they made some money.

But that is not realistic for someone who is brand new to blogging and knows nothing about content management systems or which theme to use or even how to structure a blog post.

3. Procrastinating

Not on purpose. It is a survival mechanism. You tell yourself that you need to fix this or tweak that.

In reality you are afraid to move forward into the unknown.

Rooted in this is a lack of confidence (see #1 above).

And tied to this is the fear of using affiliate links, starting email marketing, and course creation which all require you to basically ask people for money.

Asking strangers for money is scary! So you may be procrastinating because deep down you know that you have other fears coming up if you proceed.

That makes it easy to procrastinate aka playing small.

Success Factors To Eliminate Fear

So how can we kick these fears to the curb?

As someone who has been working on this issue for a while now, I can confidently say that there are a few key things you need to practice, and practice daily.

To eliminate fears, you must fight them.

Procrastination feeds fear.

To eliminate fear, you must take action. It does not matter if things do not go as you want; look at the results, tweak the plan and try again.

As you keep trying, you will learn…a lot.

You learn what might work, what does not work, and which things can be adjusted to possible work in the future. #feedbackisgreat

And it is important to keep track of your wins.

If you write out a plan for the week and execute it completely, you need to write that down.

You want to recognize that you are moving forward and that you are building a foundation that will reap benefits. Do not be afraid to pat yourself on the back for getting things done.

Make a plan and work towards completing it, one step at a time.

1. Set goals

I read “The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran” because it resonated with me. I tried it Brian’s way and then found someone who tweaked the concept and made it easier for me to get behind.

That concept is doing 10 day “sprints”. Plan your blogging goals out into quarters as per Brian’s 12 week year, but work in 10-day chunks.

For me, that is 10 days of creating/updating blog posts and getting pins ready to be scheduled in Pinterest.

That leaves me 20 days per month to create money-making content (eBooks and eCourses).

Setting and achieving goals is the fastest way to success and a huge boost for your blogging confidence.

This is a straightforward and uncomplicated program for those new to goal setting.

When I first started blogging I read a lot on batching content. While I did not see the point in writing out a whole years worth of content, I do see the advantage to being better organized.

Create the free content that you want to present to your audience. Then use the rest of your time to create money-generating content. #win

2. Keep working on your authority

There are 4 basic monetization plans for a website. Of course there are more, but these are the foundational ones:

In my opinion, you should be focused on at least two of these: product creation and affiliate marketing.

Pick a model to start with; affiliate marketing is the easiest.

Come up with a plan for the year.

Choose how often you want to publish blog posts related to your niche, keeping affiliate products in mind as you do this.

Do your best to use SEO best practices for each post that you write, knowing that Google favors it.

It is better to publish less often if it means that your SEO is more on point.

Keep building out your website with helpful and useful content. Write down which topic you will write about and on which day you will write it. When you check your calendar or planner every day, do what you have written in it.

Related Post: Create Content Quickly

After you have 25 or 30 blog posts, check your Google analytics to see what is more popular with your readers. Focus your content creation on that.

Yes, you can write about what you want. However, if you want success quicker, write about what your audience wants to read.

And consider what your audience likes when creating products to sell.

3. Try using a Planner

Start writing things down in one place, including a plan of action.

If you have picked a monetization plan, work towards that in a meaningful way.

Block out your 10 days sprints in your planner so that each day you know what you need to do.

No guessing or time wasting. Put your head down and get it done. If it does not take the whole day to do, then you get some time off.

And don’t forget to write down your wins. I cannot emphasize how important it is to acknowledge that you are moving forward.

4. Focus on one project goal at a time

Hence, the 10 day sprint.

Writing down your goals for your 10 day sprint gives you something specific to work on.

At the end of the 10 days, look back and determine if everything:

Keep track of any good ideas you get while working on projects and write them in a section of your planner or calendar.

5. Try everything and keep on trying.

What if I try everything and nothing works?

What is the worst that can happen? You have to try again?

It is nothing fatal to have to adjust your plan when trying something new. Just go for it!


What I learned about creating sales funnels is this: start small.

When I decided that I had had enough of overwhelm, I chose to look at what I really needed to do. Not what I can do in the future (big fancy schmancy funnels) but what I needed to learn about today.

That turned out to be the basics. And now that I know the basics I can build out from there. Buh-bye fears!

I hope that this post has been helpful, and if it has please share it with your friends or on social media. Sharing is caring!

Still on the fence about starting a blog?

Grab my 5 Secrets To Finding Your Niche free report and decide if making money online is right for you.


I hope you enjoyed this post and will share it with others who can benefit. Be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter of special offers, freebies and exclusive content.

Until next time, happy blogging and follow me on Pinterest!

-Irma 🙂

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