Fearless Affiliate

How To Create Content Quickly

How To Create Content Quickly

You want to create content quickly, but sometimes that can be tedious.

Or maybe you want to create a content calendar, but the thought of it is daunting.

What is a blogger to do when they need weekly content but have no ideas??

This post was originally published April 3rd, 2018 and has been updated to be current with new information. This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Full disclosure is here.

Welcome to Fearless Affiliate.

My name is Irma and I help new bloggers to learn the ropes. There is a lot to take in that first year of blogging, from choosing a niche to changing your mindset from worker bee mentality to that of successful entrepreneur.

I like to focus on practical information and positive thinking, so if that sounds good to you please sign up for my weekly newsletter of tips and free stuff for bloggers.

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Today I am reviewing the course “Creating Quality Content Quickly” by Christina Lindgren of Raising Biracial Babies.

I paid for this course and tried it out and found it to be quite helpful for a number of reasons, which you can read below.

Why would I need a course on creating content quickly??

I have found myself stuck in a writing rut twice since I started blogging, and it is not fun. The first time lasted 3 weeks. The second time lasted 5 weeks. That is a long time to go without publishing any content.

I. Was. Stuck.

And of course, we all know that Google likes it when you are consistent, which you cannot be if you have no ideas. Or motivation.

When I did start writing again, it felt like work to get back into a routine.

And I was really starting to think that this whole blogging thing might be a mistake because, c’mon, writers gotta write.

Procrastination was rearing its ugly head.

Everything about blogging seemed…harder.

And that really bummed me out because I want this whole blogging thing to work.

My writing mojo was gone and help was needed.

Nobody wants to be writing content all day, every day, just to fill a content calendar. We all have better things to do with our time. What I needed was a process that would help me streamline what I am doing now, as opposed to making me create a whole new system.

And I do not want to create content every day. So I went looking for help to get my content written so that I can have more freedom with how my day is spent.

What attracted me to this course was how it ticked some of the boxes that I was interested in:

I have had all of these issues, and I did not want them anymore. Enter Christina’s course:

Create Quality Content Quickly 

Christina has created an amazing online course to help you create quality content quickly…and it works!

It is $57 and is presented on the Teachable platform.

The course contains:

5 modules and 3 bonus modules, and it is a mix of audio and text, so you can hear Christina talking you through the steps.

Inside this course you’ll learn:

Along with three course bonuses:

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

From the first lesson, you can get to work on implementing the process and look forward to having more work done in less time. Win-win!

How To Create Content Quickly
PIN IT!! How To Create Content Quickly

Make Writing Streamlined

Once you streamline your writing, you will wonder how you managed to get by without it, because writing content quickly frees up time to do other things.

Christina will give you ideas for how to create ideas as well as how to mine for more ideas.

Then, you get into the deep dive of content creation. You get content creation tips before you go into the writing process and then the editing process.

And you get tips on how to avoid getting stuck!

When I write now, I write. A lot.  I get into that zone that I was in when I first started my blog, and it is the place that I love to be in when writing.

It is also my best writing.

I was actually able to sit down and write 4000+ words in one sitting by following Christina’s instructions.

From those 4000 words came one blog post and another one for my draft folder. That is FOUR 1000 word posts. In one sitting. Woot!

Quality long-form content is an SEO dream come true

Just ask Google. Serious bloggers know that over time, it is the long form content that will help to retain our audience.

If you are writing long-form evergreen content, you are golden. There are different schools of thought on what constitutes long form, but most pro bloggers agree that it is at least 1,000 words, and over 1,200.

Yes, a lot of people do not like to sit down and read a long blog post every time they visit your blog. And certainly not on mobile.

However, many people do like bookmarking posts that contain a lot of valuable information. That is what puts the ‘authority’ into ‘authority website’ amiright?

My bad writing habits are no longer holding me back

More ideas flow to me because I am not stopping and wandering off to do other things because I am frustrated by the process. Writing is no longer frustrating like it was.

My ideas flow. That is very inspiring!

If you have any troubles getting ahead on your writing, this course can help! There is also a Facebook group, which is a great way to contact Christina quickly. This link takes you to Christina’s Teachable site Raising Biracial Babies.

We all have better things to focus on than just writing for our blogs, like marketing or social media. No one wants to spend all of their blogging time just writing blog posts…do they?

Is Create Quality Content Quickly a helpful product for bloggers?



There is nothing in this course about writing style, best practices for content creation, SEO or other aspects of writing. This course is focused on teaching you how to get ‘er done when it comes to writing blog posts.

This course is only about writing more efficiently and developing habits that will help you write more quickly so you can move on to other things in your life.


I recommend it! The price is $57, and it was worth it for me to learn these skills. Learning this new skill has helped me focus on the task of writing.

If you are having trouble with your content creation, and would like to develop the skills that will help you create a ton of content to keep in your drafts, then please go to this website to check out Christina’s course.

Need help with copywriting? Use my Copywriting Checklist to write compelling call-to-action text for your pins. Encourage readers to come to your site for more information. Sign up for my weekly newsletter and get all my PDF printables for bloggers in my Resource Library.



Happy Blogging, and are you following me on Pinterest?

-Irma 🙂

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