Can you be the person you want to be? Are you trying everything, but still struggling with achieving success?
In the third part of my series on achieving success, I have a few more tips to help you. Trust me when I say, your success is totally doable!
After you clear the clutter in your mind and find ways to deal with your negative emotions and past history, you end up with sense of peace of mind…or at least I did.
This post was originally published January 12th, 2018 and has been updated to be current with new information. This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Full disclosure is here.
Welcome to Fearless Affiliate.
My name is Irma and I help new bloggers to learn the ropes. There is a lot to take in that first year of blogging, from choosing a niche to changing your mindset from worker bee mentality to that of successful entrepreneur.
I like to focus on practical information and positive thinking, so if that sounds good to you please sign up for my weekly newsletter of tips and free stuff for bloggers.
Subscribers will get exclusive content, including the password to my resource library of PDF printables for bloggers like my Google Analytics Cheatsheet or my SEO Checklist.#win-win
Still haven’t picked a blog niche?
I can help with that too! Read my 5 Secrets To Finding Your Niche eReport…it’s in the Resource Library. Sign up now and check it out.
Being The Person That You Want To Be
In my first post in this series, Creating Your Best Year Ever, we looked at why this process is even necessary. I mean really…we have to learn how to be successful???
For the majority of people that start a business think determination decides how successful you will be.
But with many new businesses failing in the first two years, I do not think determination is the leading cause of success.
And successful people agree. According to the successful folk, the biggest factor in success is in your mind.
1. Your ability to believe in your success is key.
But is that all? Sorta-kinda.
In order to get your brain on board with success thinking, it is imperative that you clear out your mental clutter first.
If you have mental blocks or unhelpful thinking, you need to clear it out to make way for success thinking.
2. Tap into your intuition.
We talked about this in the second part of this series, Steps To Success.
In the world of blogging, being unique is a gift. So how do new bloggers stand out from the crowd and get noticed?
Your intuition can guide you to do things unique to you and how you teach others.
Intuition is how you come up with rare and unique blog posts, pin descriptions (for Pinterest pins), and newsletters that are helpful to others.
That may seem like crap, but ask anyone successful how they got that way.
They will tell you that they had a random idea and they ran with it. Those amazing ‘random’ ideas come from intuition.
3. Choose to help others as a priority
All bloggers learn right away that you must be willing to serve before you can earn.
By offering value to visitors that come to your website, you must offer quality, free, content.
If people enjoy your free content, they will stick around. If they don’t, they won’t.
And that is fine. You want your audience to be engaged. You want them to be part of your inner circle, the people who will get:
- Exclusive content
- Coupon codes that random visitors don’t get
- Links to other helpful content or special deals
You can give them these deals after they join your mailing list.
You may think it is too soon for email marketing, but it never is.
I use Free MailerLite for email marketing. Check out my post How To Use MailerLite, and get started. It can take time to get everything set up so the sooner, the better.
Monitoring your new subscribers is proof that you are on the right track.
- Zero subscribers? Time to adjust your plan.
- New subscribers daily? Keeping doing what you are doing and expand on it.
To me, success is about whether I have helped anyone or done some good for humanity.
That may sound lofty, but ultimately I think that is everyone’s main purpose in life. People want to help.
It’s just that most of us don’t know how.
When I get emails from people who want my help, I feel honored. Someone is trusting me enough to ask for my advice. It feels good.
We all have gifts to bring to the table, so teaching others how to do something that you know how to do is the simplest way.
4. Maintain A Sense of Humor
For me, being happy is not stressing the little things.
And boy does that feel good!
I stopped watching the news for the longest time just to avoid the negativity. When I watch the news now, it is more to see if I am missing something.
And usually I am not.
If life is bumming you out, you need to laugh more.
Watch comedy, but not that mean-spirited stuff like Family Guy. Laughing when people are verbally abusing each other is not actual comedy.
Find comedy where people support each other, like Bob’s Burgers. At least those people care about each other, in their cartoon kinda way.
Become The Person You want To Be With The Law of Attraction
The main premise of LOA is choosing positive feelings over negative ones.
And choosing what you want your life to look like based on how you want to feel while living it.
You can dream about winning the lottery all you want. But if you spend your time grumbling and complaining, and dare I say, watching the news and letting it bother you, your chances are fourteen million to one.
Not great odds.
Or, you can focus on finding the joy in life.
Seeking peace, being grateful for what you have, and giving to others because of your own bounty, is how people “do what you love and the money will follow”.
Why spend money on lottery tickets? Create a life you love and the money will always be there.
You do not have to do anything, except feel good.
My experience with LOA, Blogging, and Success Thinking
It took me a while to get on the same page with what I was learning about LOA, but I am all over it now.
I actively choose to feel good and I clearly set my goals and intentions for what I want my life to be like.
I have a sticky note on my computer monitor that says “What is the next step that I should take to move myself forward”. This is a reminder for all parts of my life, but particularly my website.
What should I do next? What is the next step to take? I ask my intuition.
I always get good answers.
An example of this is when I asked myself “what is the next step that I need to take with social media? And how can I use it to help me present my information to the world?”
Almost immediately, an opportunity to take a Pinterest course just showed up.
I looked around online and most of the other courses like this were much more expensive. Normally I might think that a cheaper price means cheaper quality, but I did not think that this time.
And I could not stop thinking that I really should grab this course.
There was a bit of a price drop for New Years as well (win-win!), so I signed up. What I got was:
- A fairly robust e-Book
- Tons of bonus downloadable stuff
- Really good information about how to make my site look and navigate better
- Information on using other sources of social media.
The biggest benefit of purchasing the course was that it showed me what work I needed to do.
Before I can implement what the course has to teach on social media, I had prep work to do.
Read about that course here.
That course was a turning point for a major increase of traffic to my website.
That help was gold to helping me become the real me
My intuition told me to purchase this product, and I did.
I learned tons of stuff. My website looked much improved. And I think I am giving my visitors a better experience.
And that is just one example.
This kind of experience keeps happening over and over again for me.
And the benefits that I am receiving are proportionate to how positive I am thinking and feeling.
I have a new motivation to keep going, as well as confirmation that I am moving in the right direction.
What could be better? I know that what I am learning will benefit every area of my life. If I lost everything, I could get it all back because of the great stuff that I am learning.
Choose to:
- Be happy.
- Focus on the results that you want.
- Gratitude.
- Serve others.
And by this I mean, give. But only give if you feel like it. Give with a glad heart. Give because you want to help. Do not give because you feel obligated to, which is a negative. Do not give (or create a website) to make money. Making money will be the side benefit of giving to others.
I hope that this information can help you the way that it is helping me. Many of my mental blocks still need breaking; I fight with myself, daily, to do the hard things that push me past my blocks.
But on the other side is the growth that propels success.
Like a snowball rolling down a hill, it is slow at first. When it picks up speed, you know that you did right for yourself.
Some people are doing this without even being aware, and we call them lucky. And people are starting to call me lucky.
And they will call you lucky as well.
Are you ready to start your blog and/or side hustle? Now is the time to create your own future and future income. Please sign up for my weekly newsletter of tips and free stuff for bloggers, like my passive income checklists. See if a blogging “side hustle” is right for you!
Happy blogging and follow me on Pinterest!
-Irma π

I think your last comment – choose to serve others – is the most transformational. When you make other people a priority, it’s astonishing what sort of things begin to show up in your lap, all for you. What goes around truly does come around. Thanks for the inspiring messages!
Hi Penelope and thank you for visiting us today!
I agree, and those astonishing things are the most amazing “happenings”. I love it!
Irma π
I believe that sometimes we take on to much and because of this we experience burn out but if we take the time and really not take life so seriously and learn how to smell the rose along the way but be happy with what we have but always dreaming and working towards what we see then life will take on a whole new meaning and we will accomplish what we desire to accomplish.
Hello Norman and thank you for visiting today!
And well put! We do need to enjoy life, and I think enjoying life breathes new life into our vision for the future.
Irma π
You’re doing a great job!
Thank you Richard!
Irma π
This is lovely advice Irma. It’s refreshing to hear more people speak about gratitude and giving.
I’ll be using your tips to have a successful year.
Thank you Vince and thank you for visiting today!
Gratitude and giving have been the biggest instruments for helping me be clear on my vision for 2018! Best of luck to you as well.
Irma π
I really enjoyed reading your post. I love staying positive, energized, and motivated. I noticed that is is good for my health and it helps everyone around me to stay upbeat as well. I love hat you are doing here trying to help others see the same happiness and how it can help them improve in life.
On the other hand negativity can cause stress and other health issues so, I agree with you on being happy, focusing on what you want you in life, choosing to serves others, and gratitude. Thank you for sharing this post…
Thank you for visiting today Lakisha, and thank you for your positive comments!!
Irma π
Hi Irma, and thanks for the uplifting post. I agree with you! Happiness, just like love, is an action word, not just a feeling. These are things we need to choose to work on. It’s not always easy, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. We need to be “glass half full” people haha.
Blessings on you,
Hello Suzanne and thank you for visiting us today!
Yes, I find that it does take a bit of work. I have several pads of sticky notes with reminders to choose to focus on the results that I want, and I catch myself most times when I am silently criticizing other drivers in traffic.
One of the side benefits, as if there aren’t tons, is that positive people attract more people to them. If you want to meet more people, just be the most positive and happy person wherever you go, and people will come to you!
Irma π