I have 10 shocking signs that you’re burned out from work. Add in how that work stress impacts family life, health, and your feelings of self worth and you have a cocktail that can cause you to quit your job when you were not planning to. So what do you do about it?
Now is the perfect time to consider starting a website to teach others what you already know. No, not about your job, but about something that you actually enjoy like your hobbies or innate talents. I know you have some. We all do. But we do not all share them and teach others. However, you can.
Welcome to Fearless Affiliate.
My name is Irma and I help new bloggers to learn the ropes. There is a lot to take in that first year of blogging, from choosing a niche to changing your mindset from worker bee mentality to that of successful entrepreneur.
I like to focus on practical information and positive thinking, so if that sounds good to you please sign up and grab my FREE report for burnout:
What is Job Burnout?
An online dictionary defines burnout as “physical or mental stress caused by overwork or stress”. Yikes.
Stress is what happens when we feel out of control and usually comes about from having too much to do and not enough time to do it all.
If your job is constantly adding to your workload, or if it is difficult to finish some projects due to outside factors, you can end up with burnout.
The good news is that your workplace stress may be the catalyst for big change in your life. But you do not want to just quit without a plan. You want to be pro-active.
Job burnout is what is driving thousands of people to start online businesses.
Before you worry about whether you can be successful with one, think about yourself as being part of the global marketplace and consider what kind of help you can offer to teach others.
Face it, the world is going global. People are constantly on their phones researching products they want to buy or learning something new that they need to know right now.
If you have a skill set that you can teach other people, please consider doing that.
- Are you up on the latest food trends?
- Do toddlers adore you?
- Are you a pet whisperer?
- Can you turn junk into art?
- Do you know a lot about how to get the best deals on camping gear?
These are all traits that can be turned into a lucrative website. There are thousands of people looking for information on how to do stuff…stuff that you may be really good at.
Consider sharing your gifts with the world
Helping others by sharing your passions and insights will help increase your self esteem while creating a scalable income. There are tons of benefits to working from home like not paying for transportation/parking/fuel for your vehicle or saving money on lunches.
But the greatest reward is that you are your own boss. You decide how you spend your day.
Not sure if you are ready to start a blog? Find out how a blog can help your other income generating ideas.
Related Post: Best Online Passive Income Opportunities, pt.one
If you are not 100% sure how close you are to quitting your job, here are some of the “burned-out-at work-symptoms”. Keep them in mind and consider starting something on the side to take some of the pressure off.
1. You feel depressed
Depression at work, especially if it goes on for a long time, is the first shocking sign of burn out. Imagine disliking a place enough that it causes depression. It may not be the job, but merely that you are wrong for that job. You are meant for better things.
That is the time to start thinking about an escape. Look for a way out – creating passive income with a side hustle can be a great first step to feeling better.
In fact, just doing some research into what else you can do to create a new income can lift your spirits and give you hope. Consider how you can move your skills from the physical world of your job to the digital world of a blogging website.
2. You think about quitting to end the burn out
A natural progression of work place depression is to think about how to get away from it. If quitting your job consumes your thoughts, then you’re probably burned out from work. But if you don’t have another source of income lined up, then you’ve no choice but to stay, at least until you get your finances sorted out.
It can take time to set up a side hustle that will bring in enough money to ease the tension, so start today!
3. Feeling burned out makes you dread going to work
When you wake up in the morning and your only thoughts revolve around not going to work, then you have a problem…job burnout.
This is when many people start taking more and more sick days. It is not that they are faking it to get out of work, but that the stress of the workplace is causing mental and physical health issues that you must escape from. And this is a sign that it is time to re-evaluate your career choices. Or start a side hustle (recommended).
Related Post: How To Start A Blog and Make Money Online
4. You’re physically tired after work
Even if you have an office job that does not require any physical labor, you may be exhausted after work just from the mental stress. This exhaustion may cause weight gain, because you have no desire to go to the store to buy food to cook for dinner. Instead, you eat drive thru food.
The empty calories do nothing to help your stress and only add to it as you gain weight and become more stressed. Think about how your burnout from work is impacting the rest of your life.
5. You don’t care about your performance anymore
“Seriously, why should I care when no one else does”? I have heard this time and again from co-workers. Even if this is only marginally true, and that you really do care, your feelings of detachment will affect your job performance.
Eventually you really will not care. And you will be like those people who go on break and never return (I have seen this a couple of times!)

6. Everything about your job irritates you
When people from other departments ask you about your day, and you launch in to how much you hate it, you have a problem. Same goes if people from outside your work ask you what you do and you bristle as you talk about it.
If you are a creative person, certain work environments will stifle your natural abilities. Consider moving on, for your mental health. Job dissatisfaction only gets worse.
7. You feel too much pressure to perform better
Or your workload keeps going up and up and up. I hated this part. We were constantly dealing with cutbacks and low levels of staff, so everyone who did show up to work that day had to pick up the slack. You do the work of two people but only collect the pay for one person. This aggravates feelings of low self-worth and lack of job satisfaction.
And it is a big red flag that it may be time to leave that environment. Continuous cut backs are a sign that the department may be totally cut in the future. Plan your escape now.
8. You feel stressed when you’re at work
You walk in the door and already have new deadlines to meet. Your workload increases weekly. The moment you arrive at work you are met with workplace stress. And since your co-workers are in the same boat, the stress ripples through the department.
If your co-workers hesitate to talk to you, or work with you, it may be that your stress is affecting them as well.
9. You have trouble falling asleep
You are thinking about all the work that you have to do the next day when you are supposed to be resting from your work. It is like you never left work that day! This is not good for mental or physical health and the effects of not getting a good sleep impacts all of your life.
It can impact your digestion (chronic heartburn), cause memory issues and mood changes, and can cause low sex drive. No good comes from a lack of sleep.
10. You feel absolutely free on your days off
When it’s your day off, you feel the exact opposite, like anything is possible. You may even have thoughts of how you can extend your weekend or even just never go back to your job. This can be a sign that you are meant for something more meaningful.
I want to motivate you to seek out a way to help others instead of being burned out from work. What I have found is that many bloggers start blogging because people want to know what they know. For instance, Michelle from Making Sense of Cents, started a blog to teach others how she paid off $38,000 in student loan debt in 7 months.
That is an amazing accomplishment but even more amazing is how this financial analyst became a blogger and now makes over $100k monthly. Yes, monthly. Read Michelle’s story here.
And let me introduce you to Kelan and Brittany Kline. Brittany chose a career in teaching, while Kelan kept bouncing around from career to career seeking freedom and satisfaction.
Eventually Kelan stumbled on to blogging and they were earning $100k a year by year three. Read about their story here.
There are thousands of stories like this all over the internet
It takes time to build a business like the ones mentioned above. However, once you start achieving steady growth and income, you can scale it up by selling your own products. Plus there is the added benefit that you work for yourself and not someone else.
The common denominator is that the successful bloggers stuck with it while sharing their knowledge.
They gave to others first, and the money came after. This is key to blogging success…giving to others first.
I hope you feel encouraged that there really is light at the end of the tunnel. If you are feeling burned out at work symptoms from all the taking at work, consider giving back in the form of blogging.
If you enjoyed this post, please share it with others. Sharing is caring! And be sure to sign up and grab the tips to help you with your job burnout:
Until next time, happy blogging and follow me on Pinterest.
-Irma 🙂

Wow! I had no idea that there is alot more to a burn out than just reaching an extreme of overwork. These signs of a burn out are ultra vital to happiness and productivity within the workplace so I’ll keep them close not only for myself, but also for colleagues that may be going through some of these symptoms.
Hello Rob and thank you for visiting us today,
I found that where I work, people tend to just move around from job to job when the pressure is on. It took me a very long time to realize why and what to do about it for myself, so it is awesome that you want to help your co-workers recognize their workplace stress. I wish you the best of luck!
-Irma 🙂
great post! i can totally relate myself with the way i am feeling uncomfortable about my current job. not sure if i should really quit it though but yes. atleast i think if im feeling the need for not wanting to actually go to work, then i definitely need to quite it one day sooner or later and get to my online blogging
Hello Kshitij and thank you for visiting us today,
I am sorry that you feel like that about your job. It can help just thinking about what you really want to do or how you want to help others. Blogging is a great way to teach people what we have learned, and it is not for everyone, but it sure can help some people! I wish you the best of luck 🙂
-Irma 🙂
Everything about my job truly does irritate me. Constantly getting yelled at by others when something they do to their computer is annoying. I would love to be able to avoid burnout at work.
Thanks for helping to recognize the reasons why I feel so tired and drained after work.
Hello Eric and thank you for visiting us today,
I did not recognize my symptoms until I looked at all of them together and realized that I hated my job…really hated it. Not the people or the tasks, just that I felt like I was wasting my life there and missing out on something else.
FOMO motivated me to start my website and I am so grateful for that. Writing energizes me and I love having this outlet to help people. I wish you the best and hope that you get your escape soon!
-Irma 🙂
I love this article. I have been through everything you’ve listed here. Matter of fact, I quit my job recently bc I was burned out. Thankfully I have a backup plan, even if it’s slow moving, I’m still happier and less stressed.
Thank you for writing and sharing this. I’m going to share it with my FB friends. I think they should read it too. 🙂
Hello Lokhi and thank you for visiting us today,
And thank you for sharing my post! I really appreciate that. I agree about the burn out as well. My job was taking its toll on me and now that I have been away for a while, I am much happier.
-Irma 🙂